Tuesday, February 21, 2006


"If a builder builds a house for a man and does not make its construction firm and the house collapses and causes the death of the owner of the house – that builder shall be put to death. If it destroys property, he shall restore whatever it destroyed, and because he did not make the house firm he shall rebuild the house which collapsed at his own expense. If a builder builds a house for a man and does not make its construction meet the requirement and a wall falls – that builder shall strengthen the wall at his own expense."

-The Code of Hammurabi, 2250 B.C.

I want to see this code applied on the
1 km (plus a meter) skyscraper. Who seconds me on that?

Architects don't even give a rat's ass about the difficulty that will be encountered on behalf the structural engineers for getting this huge infrastrucuture up and working.

Piling foundation would bare a lot of stress I'd say.

But as my dear Napoléon exclaimed, "Impossible n'est pas français!"

Way to go Kuwait.

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