Friday, May 19, 2006


Came home from an engagement party a while ago. Just as i was getting into bed, I heard cries. My sixteen year old sibling had a nose surgery a week ago. She gets excruciating pain from time to time - a side effect I guess. I checked her out. she was starting to sob continuously. I couldn't get any sleep hearing her and I didn't know what to do to tell you the truth. Might as well give her two pills of Panadol. Ran downstairs to the kitchen. Fetched a glass of water and two pills of Panadol. Ran back upstairs. Helped her swallow them. But her wailing hasn't stopped. Told her her cries won't do her any good. But the poor thing couldn't handle the pain. And I couldn't handle hearing her torment. I never have seen her cry like that. I can't think of anything else to give for her relief. Thought of ice. Hmm. Ran back downstairs to get an ice cube. I thought it might lessen her pain and cries. Rolled a tissue on the ice cube. Ran back upstairs - what a workout. Padded her nose bridge with it. Luckily it did work. Finally she sound asleep - like a beautiful baby.

Where's the doctor when you needed one?!

Pfft. She'll be fiineee. I'll even remind her tomorrow morning how she tortured me.

Nighty night..


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that... hope she gets fine soon and you get your required sleep.

why is it that almost all emergencies happen at night? is it fate that is working against us and tries to punish us when we are at our lowest ebb?

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that... hope she gets fine soon and you get your required sleep.

why is it that almost all emergencies happen at night? is it fate that is working against us and tries to punish us when we are at our lowest ebb?

Anonymous said...

Ma 3alayha shar. I felt some pain in my nose while reading your post!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God.

First I am laughing and U should guess why...heheh

Second. I'm so sorry to hear about your sis. I get this was one of the weekends where you weren't supposed to get sleep...wHERE was Nonnah? ;p

Hope your sis is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Ma 3laiha shar.. i hope she's feeling beter!

one of the worst feelings is seeing someone u love in pain and not being able to do much about it! ur a good sister!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that too.
Too many questions but not enough answers to guide us.. then comes in confusion knocking at our doors. What am I blabbering about???

Silver Girl:

Il shar mayeech!

Laugh all you want honey ;P
She's alright now. It's funny how she woke up all rise-and-shine, completely amnesiac, and haven't had a clue about her night's drama. Heeh.

Where could nonnah be?? ZZzzZzzing

Thanks and thanks. Il shar ma yeech ;)
I don't like pain. I hate it. And you're right. It sucks watching someone you care about go through agony.

Anonymous said...

I hope she is better now...and u did a good job ;)