Sunday, January 29, 2006



I'm done with A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. I must say, it took me a while to finish reading it.

A couple of months ago everyone was talking about it; making this book an unforgettable celebrity. Especially Oprah who fell in love with this memoir. Hmmm.

Oprah Oprah Oprah. I thought you had good tastes in books. This was too painful to read. This read wasn't addictive at all.

About the book, I wasn't in love with it, but then again I didn't hate it either. My feelings were neutral. The memoir was too contemporarily written. I'm not sure I liked that. It's just that whenever I picked up that book I couldn't finish reading it. It doesn't happen to me that often. lol. Not that indulging.

The details, especially when James Frey visited the dentist, was too painful for me! Horrible! A drug addict and an alcoholic getting a new set of teeth and a couple of fillings without any anesthetic to "numb up" was just HORRIBLE . Grrrrrr.

And now I heard James Frey is guilty for embellishment and fabricating some details in his memoir?! That's just shocking to me.

Not sure what truth to believe in his memoir- feeling the drilling in his teeth, the secret meet up with Lilly, or a criminal friend called Leonard.

Pathetic? You tell me.

I'm just mad that my rollercoastered emotions during the whole read was gone to waste.

I've been robbed. And no. No embellishment involved here.

Update: Check this out for further info.


Seroo said...

Oprah had him on her show because she genuinely believed (as did the rest of the literary nation) that James Frey had written a "memoir" when he clearly made everything up...
check it out, it is actually worth reading... clearly makes you want to pick up his book and smack him with it repeatedly until he falls dormant on the floor... what a sham...

Just as bad as JT LeRoy if you ask me... I am so disappointed...

N.A. said...

I'm speechless.
Thanks seroo for the article!
and welcome ;D