Friday, June 09, 2006


My division that I work in never fails to crack me up. It’s the only girl’s dominated division.
You’ve got Nadia, our sluggish boss whom I adore.
You’ve got Khookhoo, a young mother of a one year old. With a couple of conversations, we’ve discovered we were in fact related (what a small world heh).
You’ve got Simone, Khookhoo’s Egyptian-Originated, Bahraini-Passported partner in crime. She talks funny; Egyptian-Bahraini funny.

Bring these together, and you’ll draw closer to a comic bunch.

The last of their comedic play happened not long ago during brunch time.

Khookhoo asked me if I want anything from a cafeteria. I get suspicious of food delivered from cafeterias especially ones called sunrock .. sunrise .. sun something, so I unobligingly replied with a sweet "no thanks, i already brought my own apple and banana".

Their sandwhichs were delivered, they hungrily went into another office and started with their food. But five minutes later I see Khookhoo's face, all bloated light headed approaching my table. I'm still picturing her pose lol.

I asked her, "what's going on?"
She blurted out something like "our sandwhiches were filled with crawling insects and spiders"
I've never heard of spiders finding their way into edible things like sandwiches, but I saw the proof with the two bites deducted. I presume Khookhoo with all her starvatious self had munched two bites from the sandwich until eventually analytical Simone discovered (read: screamed) those gross creatures. How unfortunate.

I have never laughed so much since I joined that division. It needed me a day to flush this out of my system.

They sooner or later threw up whatever was eaten, called the Ministry of Health and called in the cafeteria and bashed whoever was on the other end of the phone.

On the same day, Nadia skipped worked .. again. The night before, Nadia and her hubby were more like a scratching dummy. Termites ate half of their bed and continuously were after them. They spent the rest of the night scratching each other.

Apparently I’m the only sane person at this girl’s dominated division, I carefully wrote this after Simone mentioned how she loves caressing her butt with Baby Johnson's Lotion.

In the midst of all this, I decided to choose a day in the week to dress (semi) casually. So what day better than Wednesday?!

More casual, more approachable, less seriousness and more enjoyable.

Copyright © 2005 Middle of Nowhere by Hot Hot Heat
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Anonymous said...

Entertaining bunch :P

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOL, very funny indeed ;p

Anonymous said...

so what happened to the cafeteria afterwards?

Anonymous said...

They sure are entertaining. They'll be missed!

Yeah, hehe, Simone is pregnant. She discovered several days ago. Isn't that cute?!

Silver Girl
Wa3oo la?!
I'm not sure what happened exactly, but a representative from the cafeteria came and apologized for the unwashed lettuce. He returned their money as well. Oh and the Ministry of Health did nothing, they told Khookhoo & Simone to bring the sandwich to their headquarter instead of sending someone, can you believe?!