Saturday, February 18, 2006


I have a sister who sucks at driving.

She called me with a frantic voice , "Come back up the car for me! There's an accident infront of me near your Ministry and I don't know what to do! Yalla Come!"

Sure bossy nonnah I said to myself! "Right away!" I told her.

I always drop her off to work first since we share a car. No big deal. Her work is one traffic away.

It was raining a half hour ago and people here think they were driving on eggshells. So we were late. Fearing I would not find a parking spot and that would lead me to park on the other side of a 2-way road and walk across it, and I hate to walk across infront of all the cars (call me a scardy cat), I decided to drop myself off first and let nonnah take the car to her work.

Okayyy.. So the next thing I hear after turning on my office lights, is nonnah's don't-know-what-to-do voice. So I rush downstairs taking the fabulous and luxurious 10'by10' cubicle and run towards the street. What do I see? Cars stuck behind our car wanting to turn left, but nonnah blocked the turn. Poor folks. LOL.

I hopped in the driver's seat and took control.

Out of all this I forgot my cell phone in the car. I even waved at her like an idiot.

I was the idiot but she was the girl who didn't know how to reverse a car! Heeh!


ahmed said...

lool if i were u, i wouldnt give my car to her..she didn't know how to reverse for god's sake :P

cool blog :)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! I can totally relate to this blog with my own sis! she always saves my butt when it comes to car troubles! lol (bas 3ad not the reverse thingy, i get lost very often and call her when i'm like totally freakin' out!:P )
Allah e3eench! hehe

N.A. said...

Thank you ahmed! Yours is cooler =)
I don't care about the car as much as I do not getting a parking space. Blaahh :c))

Allah i3een iljamee3 sweety pie. Sisters to the rescue! ;c)