Thursday, January 05, 2006


Which witch is which?! Which witch is which?! Which witch is witch?!

A week ago I was sitting at my Grandma's kitchen table with the aunts and cousins. We were conversing, gossiping, etc etc. I don't know how we landed talking about witches and crafts, and all that. But we just did. Mimi (Remember her? The chubby lady who had that unimaginable fall? hehehe) told a story about her friend's friend (call him UAEboy). It is 100% genuinely true and it's not an urban legend or anything.

Believe me you.
It is all true.

And I'll be telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me God! Heeh.

If you're up for a freaky story, then continue reading. If not, and you're afraid it'll cause you cramps, then hold your horses! I won't be responsible for any traumatic events. I repeat. Capiche? ;c)

Not long ago, UAEboy was an undergraduate studying in Sheeka Beeka (that's what I call the States). He used to have an Omani friend. Every day, the Omani knocks on UAEboy's door. And every day UAEboy opens the door to see the Omani standing there with a warm "7alwa" in his hand. the "7alwa" seemed not made long ago --it was probably an hour old. UAEboy was puzzled. How could this Omani guy get his hands on a warm, fresh "7alwa" in a place that is stranded of any khaleeji or arabic dishes for that matter?


His curiousity made him ask the Omani bluntly.

The Omani loved to show him how he got the "7alwa", but he made him promise not to tell a soul about his secret.


So it was time. The Omani guy woke UAEboy up before sunrise. He took him to a sea shore near their town. It was dark. The sun has still not risen. He commanded him to lye down on his back and close his eyes. He obediently did what he's been told --they both did. Their feet were at the tip of the water. UAEboy heard the Omani murmur what he believed was a witchcraft. One minute, he felt himself shiver like he was put in a freezer. The next minute he suddenly found himself lying on the Omani's bed, in the Omani's house, in Oman. He was scared shitless!

"Now you know where I get the fresh 7alwa from", said the Omani.

UAEboy wasn't believing what his naked eyes saw. He was silent for the whole trip.

The story doesn't stop here.

The Omani introduced him to the household. He showed his way to a very dark room. And inside the room there was an old dark man. When he came nearer, he saw the old man with long braided hair, sitting alone in a chair.

"Shit, what made me come here?! I should have never been that curious", thought UAEboy.

"I know what you're thinking, boy. You should be curious, because that's what made you come here", the old man utterly replied.

Gulp.. If I were in UAEboy's shoes I would kill myself.

Just before lunch time, Omani's sister came in carrying the tea. When UAEboy saw her he didn't believe his eyes. He saw a beautiful fair girl standing right beside him. Poor guy, he didn't know that the old man had cursed him.

It was lunch time then. Whenever UAEboy looked at his dish, all he could see was that magical beautiful girl. She always pops on his plate. He couldn't even eat.

After they're done, UAEboy said his goodbyes and headed back with Omani guy to travel again. So they laid on the bed and the Omani started murmuring. UAEboy felt the chill and then found himself on the shore, in the States again.

Damn. The girl keeps popping in his mind, in his dishes, in his apartment. He keeps visualizing her everywhere.

A day after, he confessed to Omani guy. He knew his old man cursed his friend.

So he handed him her picture to look at. All UAEboy saw was an ugly duckling; so ugly he couldn't lay his eyes on the picture. He asked who she was.

"That's the beautiful girl that you were confessing your love to", Omani guy said.

Hehehe. Poor UAEboy.

After Mimi was done, we all had the wide eyes open mouth expression on our faces.

The one thing that stuck to my mind is that it's a cheap way to travel. No buying tickets involved. Heeh!


Bahraini Rants said...

What a whacky story..

Omani's are mystical - I knew a couple of very magical ones..

I was more amazed by the travelling by the sea bit.. but what I don't understand is that if they went all the way to the seashore to travel, why didn't he end up at the seashore in Oman? why did he end up in the guy's bed? Not trying to find faults in your story.. but even if magic does exist, then it has to make some sort of sense, right? anyways, I have a little too much free time on my hands this morning, so I just thought about your story.. still very interesting though...

and don't quit the blog..


N.A. said...

I used to know an Omani girl once in college & I loved her!

Well I don't understand that part either, bahraini rants! I just wrote down what i've heard. But to tell you the truth , I do believe the story cuz I've heard something similar! And to add to that, it came out from my Omani friend's mouth ;)

Omani Girl said...

what a cheap way to give a bad reputation to the Omanis, beside don't write what u heard and not seen or lived in....

Omani Girl said...

Uhhhhhhh what a cheap way to give a bad reputition to the OMANIs. beside it is not appropriated to puplish things which you heard but not seen or lived in...