Tuesday, December 27, 2005


I'm looking outside my office window and all I see is an angry cloudy sky and a glimpse of the ocean. These two of God's creation match in color today. A streak line that separates the ocean from the sky is hardly recognizable. And I can feel the chill and the wind through people's self-caress and long swift strides. Uh oh I am in love already with this sensation. I wish I can ditch work.. but I couldn't.

So a little bit of revealing for 10 minutes during my lunch break is all I could do. 'Cause I feel like rrranting..

So here goes. Ahmmm..

It hasn't been a year since I got my current job; the only job I have had so far. To tell you the truth I expected more. I expected a delightful atmosphere and a breath taking salary that makes someone drooool.

But only because I lost hope after six months of searching and distributing resumes around every consultancy in town, I humbly accepted it. I ended up here as my last reserve, in the Ministry, with people who think they knew too much and so little did they know.

As of now I am classified as a "trainee", I must go through a year of "training" in their "training pool". I must be circulated from one department to another given that I shall fulfill the practice that they want. A pleasing person that I am, I replied with an "ai ai sir".

I'm not denying that I loved the first couple of months. It was self-absorbing and beneficial and successful yet complicated and tiring. It's never too bad to have such a sweet adorable boss who's been in this business for 30 years. I got to project-manage a lot with him. I remember the tideous meetings we had w/ the consultants for a port infrastructure project. I also remember asking their tea boy for a cuppaccino, but he shyly confessed about not having a clue of what that is. So I surrendered to his regular black coffee. I must confess it was quite good.

I just loved the load and the pressure but mostly the pleasure of meeting those interesting people at the Ministry. I can't wait to be returning to them at the end of 2006 for good! Yeehaa!

After that I encountered two months of hell in Supervision. You don't want to know who I supervised or do you? ;p


Workers. I supervised workers.. at a site.. in a middle of a village. I despised it. But mostly I despised the mixed smell of chopped onion and chili and perspired sweat that were stamped onto every single mason. I nearly became blind you know.. (What did i get myself into?)
I tried to hibernate in the portacabon to avoid the smell as much as possible.

Right now, I am stuck with an abnoxious, self-loving architect. I've seen some creative architects. But him, he's something else. His creativity is ancient and rusty. Blocks blocks blocks rearranged in some manner is what I see in his designs.

hehe. architect my lovely ass....


1 comment:

nonnah said...

Hey sis, I know what you're talking about, I'm dealing with the same thing. They still haven't written me a decent training program, WTH? Anyway, so today's lunch will be @ granny's. see ya