Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I posted a sample of my friend's music. I think he is a pro. He thinks otherwise. He thinks I'm too nice to critique. But I love his music and that's that.
so guys you be the judge of that. If you like the kind of music that makes you in a jump-up-and down-and-move-all-around mood, play that "Funky Dunky" music!

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One more thing. I have tried searching for tools to publish audio clips to this blog. I just came across castpost. If you know of any other services please type them in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

House music is always rubbish trust me :)


N.A. said...

Hmm I'm not sure about that ;c)

I just love it. It makes me find my beat easily..know what i mean?

Anyways aren't we all different creatures with different tastes? ;P